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Security with Hanel Lockomat

Hanvel Lockomat to provide security for your items

The Hänel Lockomat ® is the perfect choice for safeguarding small parts, tools, electronic components, medicines and more. With professional-grade security features, you can trust that all your valuable items are kept safe and secure.

Safe and secure retrieval

Manually or automatically secure compartment doors ensure a precise and safe way to access your stored items, ensuring they are kept away from any unauthorized individuals.

User authorization

To authenticate their identity, users can present an ID card, password, or transponder – leading to a personalized user interface on the screen. This provides a secure system of traceable bookings specific to everyone. Different access levels may be configured for multiple users.

Lockomat Storage for tool storage

Article management

The article management process is quick and easy; employees simply enter the article number into the system or make use of our barcode scanner. A digital LED display then indicates which storage compartment houses the item in question.

Our advanced logging system ensures that all pick and put operations are accurately tracked, preventing misidentification or mix-ups of similar-looking products. With our intelligent microprocessor control system, you can maintain continuous inventory control to prevent any depletion in your supply chain – plus it integrates seamlessly with your own IT network so you have an up-to-date understanding of your stock levels at all times.

Protection of inventory

The closed storage system protects your stock from unauthorized access.

Tool Lockomat


Space and time savings
Maximize your floor space and reap the rewards with Lockomat ®. By taking advantage of its vertical carousel design, goods can be accessed faster than ever – you’ll never have to worry about restricting upper limits when using multiple floors either! Not just that, but this efficient system can also be applied in various workplaces such as hospitals and tool storage, making it a valuable asset for any premises.

Your tools are safely and securely stored with our tool management system. With a few simple steps, you can retrieve or store any item with ease. Simply enter the tool’s number or scan its barcode and the digital LED indicator will show you exactly where to find it. Automated compartments open, allowing for easy access when retrieving. All pick-and-put operations are thoroughly logged, so you can track and verify your inventory in real time, eliminating confusion around similar-looking tools. Rest assured that all of your items remain safe from unauthorized access – our closed and locked storage ensures maximum security at all times.

Pharmacy using a Lockomat

The Hänel Lockomat ® is a secure and efficient storage system that provides safe and convenient access to tools, safety equipment, and consumables. Our vertical storage system has been installed in the production building of a concrete technology company – conveniently located for employees to access around-the-clock.

Every compartment door closes automatically upon retrieval, granting protection against errors or unauthorized access to valuable items. Furthermore, with its space-saving design it allows you to make the most out of your floor space while optimizing manufacturing and assembly processes.

Our professional tool management system makes it easy to keep track of valuable resources stored in your inventory. With the use of RFID smart cards, employee identification and access are secured, providing a seamless process for requesting tools through a computer terminal. To make the integration even more efficient, we offer Hänel Lockomat® compatibility with various tool management systems.

All of the stored items are assigned to various categories which are clearly listed for easy retrieval. When this data is entered, the Lockoma t® brings the specified tools to the access point.

Then the specified compartment door opens automatically, giving the employee access to the tool. The Hänel compartment and sub-level indicators show precisely where tools are located on the container to ensure error-free retrieval. The row and compartment numbers are also shown on the controller display. When an item has been retrieved, the employee confirms the transaction in TDM. The compartment doors of the Hänel Lockomat® then close automatically to prevent unauthorized access.

The Hänel Lockomat® provides precise inventory control with constant monitoring. Its smart cards scan and record data, which the tool management system then uses to automatically bill the cost of retrieved items to the relevant cost center.

Furthermore, when stock is running low, our ERP system will request new supplies to quickly replenish it. Shift workers also benefit from flexible access that prevents delays in production schedules while cutting costs and optimizing inventory control.
The Hänel intralogistics option offers unbeatable cost savings for tool storage, with maximum inventory management and security – all in one innovative solution.

Contact us today for more information about our Hanel Lockomat solutions.