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Cannabis Light Movers, Drying Racks & More

We can install  motorized lifts for commercial cannabis companies to efficiently move any type of grow light, ventilation or heating system. With ta press of a button, you can adjust the height of your cultivation system..  Cannabis Lights and Drying Racks are some of the important products.


Lift and Grow manufactures and installs motorized lifts for commercial cannabis (weed) companies to efficiently move any type of grow light, ventilation or heating system.  We also provide  innovative indoor farming equipment helps you to improve growth rates, increase production, and maximize your facility’s space. If you’re interested in learning more about how Lift and Grow can help your Cannabis Company, Hemp Company or indoor farming company maximize growth and production rates, contact us for a quote!

Adjustable Overhead Grow Lights

Our adjustable overhead lifts allow you to safely and effectively move your grow lights, ventilation, and heating system as little as one millimeter to achieve the ideal distance from plant to canopy.

Lift and Grow’s adjustable overhead grow lights offer commercial cannabis growers an easy, efficient way to adjust the height of grow lights. By integrating your grow systems with our patent-pending lift machines, you can adjust the height of up 100 grow lights, as well as ventilation systems and heating systems, with the touch of a button. Our lifts are so precise that you’re able to adjust the height of lighting by increments as small as one millimeter.


Vertical Grow System for Cannabis

Our undercarriage machine is a compact version of the overhead machine, it moves air and lights, and is designed to serve the multi-tier growers market. We will work with any vertical moving or vertical air system to incorporate light moving.

Lift and Grow’s vertical grow system is the best way for multi-tier cannabis growers to improve cannabis cultivation, increase production, and achieve more consistent harvest rates. By installing our undercarriage lifts beneath each rack, you can easily adjust the height of grow lights, airflow, and heat systems as little as a millimeter at a time with the touch of a button. Whether you have existing air and lighting systems that need to be retrofitted to a lift or you’re building a brand new facility with new cultivation equipment, we can help!

vertical grow system

Commercial Cannabis Storage & Security Systems

By installing our lift machines in your grow room or warehouse, we can maximize the space you already pay for by suspending up to 4,000 lbs. of product from the ceiling.

Is your commercial cannabis facility looking for a way to maximize space while keeping products safe? Look no further than our commercial cannabis storage and security systems! By installing our overhead lifts in your facility, we can maximize the space you already pay for by suspending up to 4,000 lbs. of product from the ceiling.


Flatbed Cannabis Drying Racks

Using the same technology that has created our popular grow light lifting machines and security cages, Lift and Grow developed drying racks that will revolutionize the way cannabis (weed)  and hemp growers handle their product during this most critical phase.

After surveying growers from across the country, Lift and Grow found that there was a lack of options for improving drying room operations. Hemp farmers and commercial cannabis growers alike were frustrated with the loss of space from stationary drying rack systems, as well as safety concerns of employees on ladders reaching to hang the cuttings.

We worked in collaboration with growers to create two revolutionary products– the Overhead Cannabis Drying Net and the Automated Cannabis Drying Rack. Using the same technology that has created our popular grow light lifting machines and security cages. 


Cannabis drying net

3-in-1 Overhead Cannabis Drying Nets and Hangers

After years of serving the cannabis industry, our team began noticing a common pain point for commercial cannabis growers– the drying process. Not only was drying, hanging, and curing the cannabis plants costing businesses time and money, but it was also costing floor space due to the stationary nature of traditional drying racks. That’s why Lift and Grow set out on a mission to develop the best cannabis drying racks for commercial cannabis companies.

Do you need help with your cannabis business?

Contact Smart Storage Systems and receive and receive professional advice.