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Tag Archives: cannabis

Optimal Commercial Cannabis Space Design

Finding the Optimal Commercial Cannabis Cultivation Space Design for Your Company If you want to make sure your indoor grow facility is successful, having an environment that works for you is essential. The competitive landscape of today’s market can be daunting, but with a well-designed commercial cannabis growing area, it doesn’t have to be. Here […]

The Best Vertical Grow Light System

Our undercarriage machine is a compact, customer-focused version of the overhead machine. It moves air and lights vertically to serve the needs of multi-tier growers. We are confident in our ability to seamlessly integrate light movement into any existing vertical moving or air system. Our grow light system is the perfect solution.  If you’re looking […]

A Family of Overhead Light Lifting and Drying Rack Systems

Cannabis growing is becoming legal in more states.  Rack Systems are important. Potential commercial growers should ask themselves these questions: Are you outdoor, indoor or hybrid? What kind of lighting rack are you using in Flower rooms? Veg? (HPS is High Pressure Sodium, LED is Light Emitting Diode.) How many licenses/plants are you guys growing? […]